The number one step of this graphic is identifying my scope. For me, this would be knowing that my questions are about how I need to shape my life to mitigate future career and life concerns. This is answered by what types of actions I will need to take in preparation for the next 4 years and beyond.
I've identified three primary outside forces, both on the fringe and currently affecting me. These are as follows: the state of global politics and conflict, the advancement and sophistication of current and future technologies, and the potential for financial uncertainty. 
While these are mostly self-explanatory, of note are the possibilities of all-out war in the face of international division and conflict, the reality of increasingly powerful AI potentially taking over my career (lawyer/consultant/compliance), and the existence of a slow government that may make student loans increasingly more financially burdensome or simply making living in the US more financially burdensome.
More specifically, this may burden my ability to survive leading up to the point that I have the qualifications to work a career in my desired field. US involvement in foreign conflicts, as good as it may occasionally be, spells trouble for me as a youth. Required selective service and the threat of a new global conflict, though minuscule on its face, is still a looming threat.
Additionally, the threat of more advanced AI seems to be a threat to just about every information-based industry, including law. Though not nearly an issue in its current state, further development and sophistication of AI like ChatGPT may eventually allow companies to outsource their legal consultations to bots.
For me, this needs acquiring additional knowledge to make myself indispensable. I am already looking to work on a cybersecurity certification, and further research/experience with AI manipulation will also serve me well. As for global conflict, I may just need to stay on my toes, so to speak, about conflict that is going on and course correct. Finances, though burdensome, will still be at least manageable for the foreseeable future, but the future may get worse. We shall see.
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